Insomnia is a condition that is gripping millions across the world at a very fast pace. It is a condition that can be described as inability to get good sleep. It is characterized by having difficulty in initiating and maintaining sound sleep, along with having premature awakening from sleep. There could be a lot of reasons for the reasons like stress, certain illnesses or similar conditions for this sleep disorder, but if the problem persists for long, than it could be a serious and detrimental to the health.
When we have such sleep irregularities, it is common to reach out for sleeping pills to solve the issue and get good sleep. Zopiclone is one such prescribed oral medicine that has been used to treat the problems of sleeping disorders. In general, it is taken before bed and works very well.
Knowing Zopiclone
Zopiclone is a prescribed drug that is best for short term treatment, not more than four weeks. The drug works by creating a calming influence on our brain cells and also the central nervous system. The drug is prescribed to people with certain considerations like gender, age, present medical conditions, response to drugs and things alike. The drug is not at all meant for long term use and to maximum, adult males are prescribed 10 mg , whereas, women are given a lesser dosage and withdrawn from the system slowly.
Side effects and dangers
Only buy Zopiclone online USA only from trusted stores for assured and safe purchase. During the first few days of taking the medicine, one might experience light headaches while waking up and the feeling of daytime sleepiness. Some even have reported stomach upsets and dry mouth.
Other common reported side effects of the drug are skin tingling, blurred vision and even vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.
There are possibilities of getting a feeling of anxiety and this can range from mild to severe. Many have also reported impotency and lack of sex drive while on medication, but however, it gets over once the medicine is stopped.
Elderly patients in particular should be cautious taking this as they might have some concerns that need to be addressed immediately if they are experienced. High heart palpitation is one common for all aged patients. There could also be concerns upon waking, the elderly may have problems with maintaining balance and are exposed to higher degree of injury from falling.